1960 - 1964

Date & Time
Feature or Location;
1960 Jan 6 Alphonsus Red spot Warner J. Int. Lunar Soc. 1960
1960 Nov Piton; ~30 min Red obscuration concealing peak Schneller Cameron 1965
1960 Dec Piton Red obscuration less intense than in November Schneller Cameron 1965
1961 Jan Piton Red obscuration less intense than in November Schneller Cameron 1965
1961 Feb 15, ~08h11m Aristarchus, Plato Seen as bright features during solar eclipse (on film of eclipse shown by BBC May 6, 1966) Sartory, Middlehurst Contrib. by Middlehurst
1961 May 30-31 Aristarchus Enhancement of spectrum in UV Grainger, Ring Grainger and Ring 1963
1961 Jun 27-28 Aristarchus, ray near Bessel Enhancement of spectrum in UV Grainger, Ring Grainger and Ring 1963
1961 Jun 29-30 E of Plato Enhancement of spectrum in UV Grainger, Ring Grainger and Ring 1963
1961 Oct 18 Eratosthenes Bright spot in crater Bartlett Strol. Astr. 1962
1961 Nov 26 Aristarchus region Red glow seen. Anomalous spectra in red and blue Kozyrev Kozyrev 1963
1961 Nov 28 Aristarchus region Red glow seen. Anomalous spectra in red and blue Kozyrev Kozyrev 1963
1961 Dec 3 Aristarchus region Red glow seen. Anomalous spectra in red and blue Kozyrev Kozyrev 1963
1962 Sep 5 Region of Walter near terminator; 7 min Faint point of light Chalk Cameron 1965
1962 Sep 16 "Whole moon" Spectrum showed UV emission, particularly in region of H and K lines by comparison with spectra of Sun, Mars and Jupiter Spinrad Spinrad 1964
1962 Oct 8 Aristarchus; ~1 hr Activity Adams Cameron 1965
1963 Oct 5 Aristarchus region Enhancement of 30 percent at 5450 A Scarfe Scarfe 1965
1963 Oct 30 Aristarchus region Color changes; reddish-orange to ruby patches Greenacre, Barr Greenacre 1963
1963 Oct 30 Cobrahead; 7 min Brightened area, 7th to 11th mag Budine, Farrell Cameron 1965
1963 Nov 1, 23h00m Near Kepler; 20 min Enhancement of large area in red light Kopal, Rackham Kopal and Rackham 1964a, 1964b
1963 Nov 11 Aristarchus Color changes Jacobs Shorthill 1963; Gree 1965, p.409
1963 Nov 28 Aristarchus, Schroter's Valley; 1 hr 15 min Red spots, then violet, blue haze Greenacre, et al Greenacre 1963
1963 Nov 28 Cobrahead; 35 min Pink spot on W side Tombaugh Cameron 1965
1963 Nov 28 Aristarchus, Anaximander; ~1 hr Red spot in Aristarchus and also on N edge of Anaximander W. Fisher Cameron 1965
1963 Dec 28, 15h55m - 16h26m Aristarchus to Herodotus; 31 min Extensive red area 9 students at Hiroshima, Japan Sato 1964
1963 Dec 29-30, 22h00m - 03h00m Aristarchus region; 5 hr Purplish-blue patch Doherty and others Contrib. by Moore
1963 Dec 30, ~11h00m NE limb; ~20 min During eclipse, anomalous reddish glow inside umbra (Lunar eclipse) Many observers Sky and Tel. 1964
1964 Feb 25 Cobrahead; 3 min, Aristarchus; 1 min Red flashes, + 12 mag Budine Cameron 1965
1964 Mar 16 Aristarchus Sudden red glow on SW rim Lecuona Cameron 1965
1964 Mar 18 Aristarchus Flash Earl and brother Cameron 1965
1964 Mar 26, 00h37m Aristarchus Floor; blue clay color Bartlett Bartlett, 1967
1964 Mar 28, 01h59m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare, E wall and N wall; E wall bright spot; violet tinge in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Apr 22 Near Ross D Bright spot Cross and others Harris 1967
1964 Apr 26 Region of Censorinus Surface brightening somewhat similar to Kopal-Rackham (1963 Nov 1) event Hopmann Hopmann 1966
1964 May 17 Theophilus Crimson color on W rim, ~10 mag Dieke Cameron 1965
1964 May 18, 03h55m - 05h00m SE of Ross D; 1 hr 5 min White obscuration moved 20 mph, decreased in extent. Phenomenon repeated. Newtonians 8" f/7 and 9" f/7 used Harris, Cross and others Cameron 1965; Harris 1967
1964 May 20 Plato; ~10 min Strong orange-red color on W rim of crater, + 10 mag Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 May 26, 04h22m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare, E wall and E wall bright spot; strong violet tinge in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 May 28, 05h38m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE walls. Dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 6 Aristarchus area; 50 min Spur between Aristarchus and Herodotus; red spots (glow) in Schroter's Valley Schmidling, St.Clair, Platt Cameron 1965
1964 Jun 17 SE of Ross D Moving bright spot; 2 brief obscurations of part of wall. Newtonian, 19" f/7 Cross, Harris Harris 1967
1964 Jun 20, 06h00m Aristarchus Nimbus only; dark violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 21, 03h43m - 05h44m S of Ross D; 2 hr, 1 min Moving dark area. Newtonian 19" f/7 Harris, Cross, Helland Harris 1967
1964 Jun 23, 04h55m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare, NE rim; strong violet tinge in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 25, ~01h07m Aristarchus Very bright during eclipse (direct photograph, lunar eclipse) Titulaer Hemel en Dampkring 1967
1964 Jun 25, 01h07m Grimaldi During lunar eclipse, white streak from Grimaldi toward limb Azevado Letter to Moore
1964 Jun 26, 05h24m Aristarchus Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau. Absent from crater Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 27, 05h48m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 28, 06h44m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE, N, NW walls Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jun 28 S region of Aristarchus Reddish-brown tone observed Bartlett Greenacre 1965
1964 Jul 16 SE of Ross D Temporary "hill," est 3 km diam and shadow seen Cragg Harris 1967
1964 Jul 17 Plato Faint pink bands at base of inner W wall and on rim of N wall Bartlett Greenacre 1965
1964 Jul 18 SE of Ross D Bright area moved and shrank. Extent greater with amber filter Harris Cameron 1965; Harris 1967
1964 Jul 18 Plato; some minutes Pink tinge to W wall, 10th mag Bartlett Cameron 1965
1964 Jul 28, 04h43m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jul 29, 05h50m Aristarchus Nimbus only; dark violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Jul 31, 05h28m Aristarchus Pale blue tint; NE, N, NW walls and floor Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 16, 04h18m - 05h20m SE of Ross D; 1 hr, 2 min Bright area. Condensations varying with time Harris, Cross Harris 1967
1964 Aug 24, 04h22m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 25, 04h58m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 26, 04h16m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim. Dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 26 Aristarchus; ~1 hr Red and blue bands Gennatt, Reid Cameron 1965
1964 Aug 27, 04h37m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall. Dark violet, nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Aug 28, 04h40m Aristarchus Faint blue-violet radiance, E wall bright spot and NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 18, 01h15m Aristarchus Craterlet, base NW wall; bluish Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 20 Aristarchus to Herodotus Several red spots in area Crowe, Cross Cameron 1965
1964 Sep 20 SE of Ross D Bright obscuration Cross Cameron 1965; Harris 1967
1964 Sep 22, 03h03m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot and NE rim. Dark violet in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 22 Kunowsky; 1 hr Red area blinked in blinker Gillheaney, Hall, L.Johnson Cameron 1965
1964 Sep 23, 03h30m Aristarchus Blue-violet flare [glare?]; E wall bright spot, E, NE, N, NW wall Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 25, 04h05m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot. Dark violet on nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 25, 04h43m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet on plateau Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Sep 26, 05h07m Aristarchus Moderately intense; E wall bright spot. Dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 19, 02h02m Aristarchus Strong blue tint E half of floor; blue-violet glare, base E side central peak Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 22, 02h12m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare, E wall bright spot, E, NE wall. Dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 24, 04h02m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE rim Dark violet hue in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 25, 04h17m Aristarchus Nimbus only; dark violet hue Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 25, 04h37m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare; E wall bright spot, E, NE wall. Faint violet tinge in nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Oct 27 Alphonsus Reddish-pink patch at base of sunlit central peak L.Johnson, et al Cameron 1965
1964 Nov 14 Plato Peak on W wall very brilliant white. At foot of peak on inner side, strong blue band. Immediately adjacent, on SE was a small, bright red spot Bartlett Greenacre 1965
1964 Nov 21, 01h57m Aristarchus Bright blue-violet glare; NE, N, and NW rims Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Nov 23, 03h29m Aristarchus Strong blue-violet glare; N, NE, NW walls. Dark violet, nimbus Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Nov 24, 04h50m Aristarchus Blue-violet glare, N rim. Dark violet in nimbus; pale violet N and NE of crater Bartlett Bartlett 1967
1964 Dec 19 Aristarchus; 1 min Brightened by a factor of 5 Budine, Farrell Cameron 1965
1964 Dec 19, ~02h35m N/A Anomalous bright area during lunar eclipse S. Hill and student Hill 1966
1964 Dec 19, ~02h35m Edge of Mare Nubium Photoelectric photometry showed strong anomalous enhancement of radiation during lunar eclipse Sanduleak, Stock Sanduleak and Stock 1965

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